Staff Contacts
Here you can find listed all of the staff contacts for the Five College Consortium, organized by office.
Executive Director

Sarah Pfatteicher
Sarah is responsible for all of the consortium's programs. Sarah meets regularly with Five Colleges leadership groups to plan, strategize, and evaluate the work of the consortium.
Academic Programs
For information on: Center for World Languages; FC Dance; cross-registration; certificate programs; and faculty opportunities.

Matthew Adelson
Working with professional staff members and students, Matthew supports a rich interactive artistic/academic environment by managing Five College Dance performances and productions across the five campuses.

Melinda Buckwalter
Melinda collaborates with the dance departments and programs across the Five College campuses to amplify access to the rich and varied artistic and academic opportunities available at each, including repertory projects, lectures, concerts, and master classes.
Karla Carruth
Karla implements a language learning curriculum for Hindi and Urdu.

Sloan Friedhaber
Sloan supports academic programs as well as the faculty development program known as "Building Academic Leaders."

Hayden Gadd
Hayden collaborates with the production manager and assistant production manager to maintain all phases of Five College Dance productions.
Anca Luca Holden
Anca works as part of a team that trains and supports foreign language teaching assistants (FLTAs) and conversation partners for Five College Center for World Languages (FCCWL) courses.

Theo Hull
Theo provides educational, logistical, and administrative support for Five College Center for World Languages (FCCWL) course and other activities.

Jane Kennedy
Jane provides educational, logistical, and administrative support for Five College Center for World Languages (FCCWL) course and other activities.
Agnes Kimokoti
Agnes conducts individual tutorials and small group conversation sessions with students in elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels of Swahili on all Five College campuses.
Daniel Lavigne
Daniel provides general administrative support to the Director of Academic Programs, with particular emphasis on promoting and supporting the Five College Certificate Programs.

Diana Marginean
Diana provides program development and management support to the project leaders and core team of the Building Academic Leadership in the Humanities grant.

Carlie Nieman
Carlie provides production management support for Five College Dance concerts.

Ray Rennard
Ray provides oversight and management of the Consortium's academic partnerships and programs.

Lily Sendroff
Lily handles the daily operations of the Women's Studies Research Center, including outreach and communications, event management, coordination of the research associates program, and budget management.
April Shandor
April provides support in overseeing cross-campus academic programs, supporting existing academic collaborations, and facilitating the development of new collaborations.
Janna White
Janna directs and manages the Five College Center for World Languages' programs and curricular development projects, supervises the Center's staff, and administers the Center’s initiatives.
Business Services
For more information on: requesting payments.
Toby Hall
Toby handles accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, benefits administration, and business office records.
Yvette Morneau
Yvette holds fiduciary responsibility for all of our financial matters, and brings vision to the Consortium's cooperative and collaborative endeavors. Yvette serves as a senior leader for our organization and its subsidiary Five Colleges Net, LLC.
Development and Sponsored Programs
For more information on: Center of East Asian Studies; Collections Management Commons; Paradigm Shift; Partnership Programs; and grants.

Ina Clark
Ina Clark oversees FCI's broad portfolio of sponsored programs, which includes grants and externally-funded programs such as the Center for East Asian Studies, Five College Partnership Programs, and Learning in Retirement.
Kristin Langevin
Kristin provides operational support for Five College Learning in Retirement (LIR) activities and programs, working closely with LIR's elected officers and committees.

Finn Murray
Finn provides essential support for the Center for East Asian Studies including bookkeeping, communications, and database management.
Danielle Phillips
Danielle is responsible for overall project management, coordination of participant resources and services, and support to the Diverse Teacher Workforce Coalition/Paradigm Shift leadership team. This project strengthens the pipeline for Black and Latinx paraeducators to become licensed K-12 teachers in western Massachusetts public schools.
Anne Prescott
Anne manages programs to support teaching about East Asia in K-12 schools and builds relationships among faculty members and programs at the college level. Anne also leads study tours to East Asia.
Director's Office
For more information on: communicating or meeting with the Executive Director.

Julie Holt
Julie provides administrative support to the executive director and other members of our leadership team. Julie also serves as receptionist and office manager.
Information Technology
For more information on: FC Net and information technology.

Katherine Bargar
Katherine works with Five College library, archives, and museum partners to solve technical issues by designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software tools, developing web applications, and programming library information systems.
Tom Brennan
Tom provides leadership and management of all IT-related capabilities for both FCI and its subsidiary Five College Net, LLC, as well as for the Five College member campuses' collaborative efforts.
Hilary Caws-Elwitt
Hilary's responsibilities include website administration and supporting the museum collections database.

Anders Griffen
Anders works with the museums as part of the MCMC Enrich/Discover project to analyze and enhance the data in the museum collections.

Jen Phoenix
Jen works with the six museums that share a common collections management system (CMS) and public interface. She is managing the implementation of a new system.

Larry Pope
Larry supports the adoption of technology among FCI staff and members of the Five College Consortium by identifying technology needs and then researching, designing, and implementing solutions to address them.
For more information on: FC Annex; Library Repository; and delivery.

Scott Biddle
Scott pulls, shelves, and scans library materials at the Library Annex

Jeff Cross
Jeff provides administrative support for facility management, human resources, records management, emergency preparedness, and library services.

Jason Fuller
Jason oversees and manages the physical organization, care, and delivery of materials in the Five College Library Repository Collection.

Shonda Pettiford
Shonda is responsible for internal operations, human resources, and facilities management. Shonda also serves as assistant treasurer.

Randy Sexton
Randy transports intercampus mail and library materials among the five member institutions, and the Five College Library Repository Collection locations.
Risk Management
For more information on: claims; driver credentialing; minor safety, and Collegiate Catalyst Fund.

Anna Domings
Anna manages the databases used for minor safety, driver credentialing, certificates of insurance, and waivers/informed consent. Anna also leads education and training in minor safety compliance while managing the day-to-day operation of the Office of Risk Management
K. Dymek
K. manages and administers the Office of Risk Management’s insurance policies and claims, including the record-keeping associated with these policies or programs.

Ruth Rauluk
Ruth oversees the Five College Office of Risk Management; manages the insurance and risk management programs for the four colleges (Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith) and our organization; and serves as COO of the Collegiate Catalyst Fund, LLC captive insurance program.
Strategic Engagement
For more information on: communications, events, museums, buses, and meeting at 97 Spring Street.

Annie Croteau
Annie manages key events and communications and supports a variety of community partnerships.

Kevin Kennedy
Kevin is the public information officer for Five Colleges. His administrative responsibilities include work with committees in such areas as admissions, museum collaboration, and student affairs, and as liaison to community and government entities. He also coordinates inter-campus bus service with the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority.

Terre Parker
Terre researches, designs, implements, assesses, and refines a program of professional development opportunities for the staff, interns, fellows, and assistants of Museums10.