Minor Safety
Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith College collectively serve thousands of minors every year. We are collectively committed to the safety of these children.
Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith College collectively serve thousands of minors every year. We are collectively committed to the safety of these children which is why each school requires Authorized Adults working with children in college-sponsored programs to comply with their Minor Safety Policy. Amherst, Hampshire, and Mount Holyoke each have Minor Safety Programs that are administratively supported by Five College Risk Management. On this page, you will find links to your schools Minor Safety Policy, a webform for registering your program, and instructions to complete the Minor Safety Certification Process.
Start the Minor Safety Certification Process
Complete Required Training
- Log in to the Minor Safety Certification Database.
- For users with a College-issued email address, log in under Five College Students, Faculty, and Staff using your main college network credentials.
- For users without a College-issued email address, log into your account under Don't Have a College Network ID? using the login information sent to your email when your program manager first registered you for your program. If you did not receive an email, please contact riskmgmt@mtholyoke.edu.
- Navigate to the Training Tab. Select and complete each required training from the dropdown.
Complete Required Background Check
Letters of Suitability
Mount Holyoke College will accept a letter of suitability if you are working in another school district and have had fingerprints completed as part of the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) or National Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) process less than 2 years ago. You can request a letter of suitability in lieu of completing a new CORI through us. Please reach out to Risk Management at riskmgmt@mtholyoke.edu for instructions.
Review your college's Minor Safety Policy. Pay particular attention to your college's procedures for reporting inappropriate interactions with youth.
FCI Minor Safety Policy
Established: November 2022
Responsible Office: Operations HR
Responsible Senior Staff Member: Director of Operations
Drafted By: K. Dymek, Shonda Pettiford, Sarah Pfatteicher
Date Last Revised: May 17, 2023
In its role, Five Colleges, Incorporated (FCI) facilitates the administration of a wide array of academic and administrative programs for the benefit of faculty, students, and staff at its Member institutions, as well as promoting a thriving intellectual and cultural local community. FCI may provide funding, staffing, or other forms of support to aid the Member campuses in implementing such programs. FCI itself does not host any programming involving Minors independently of the Member campuses.
Like its Member campuses, FCI is committed to ensuring that programs are appropriately managed and occur in environments that are safe and secure, including for Minor persons under 18 years of age. FCI has zero tolerance for the mistreatment or abuse of Minors in its Programs, and in Programs that FCI supports.
FCI has developed a minor safety policy to promote the safety of Minors engaged with FCI and its Member campuses. Under this policy, FCI requires programs that receive FCI funding or other material support to declare and register any Program that falls within a host campus’ own minor safety policy. FCI will not host any activity, event, workshop, or other interaction that requires registration and that cannot be registered with a Member campus.
Policy Scope
Sponsored Programs
A sponsored program meets all of the following criteria:
- The program is either explicitly designed for children or will include Minors for which the college will have supervisory responsibility.
- The program is paid for, organized by, or operated in whole or in part by the college.
A program is not considered a sponsored program if any of the following are true:
- The program is not explicitly designed for children and does not include participants under the age of 18.
- The program is not paid for, organized by, or operated in whole or in part by the college.
- The event is open to the public and the college will not have supervisory responsibility for (full care, custody, and control) of any minor participants that happen to attend.

Develop Your Emergency Response Plan
Before your program starts, make sure you are informed, prepared, and know what to do in case of an emergency.
Resources for Remote Programming
As we shift our programs to operate in virtual settings, many program managers may be wondering what Minor Safety should look like in the digital landscape we build for our participants. Praesidium, our consultant in abuse prevention, has published the following helpful resources for you to consider in designing an online experience for minors that incorporates the best known practices for preventing abuse.