
Using the cross-registration system, students can choose from 7,000 undergraduate courses offered at our five institutions.

Five College Course Schedule

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Fall 2024 semester pre-registration courses (changing daily):

Fall 2024 courses for Hampshire College, Smith College, UMass Amherst, Mount Holyoke College, and Amherst College are available now.

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Subject Course # Sect # Type Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
FREN 410H 01 French in Practice The Department Amherst College M 08:00PM-09:30PM
FREN 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
GEOL 109 01 Climate Chg, Global Warm Kinuyo Kanamaru Amherst College MWF 09:00AM-09:50AM
GEOL 111 01 Principles of Geology Peter Crowley Amherst College MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
GEOL 111L 01 Principles of Geology Lab Peter Crowley Amherst College W 02:00PM-04:00PM
GEOL 111L 02 Principles of Geology Lab Peter Crowley Amherst College TH 08:00AM-10:00AM
GEOL 111L 03 Principles of Geology Lab Peter Crowley Amherst College TH 02:30PM-04:30PM
GEOL 121 01 Surface Earth Dynamics David Jones, Anna Martini Amherst College MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
GEOL 121L 01 Surface Earth Dyn Lab David Jones, Anna Martini Amherst College T 08:00AM-10:00AM
GEOL 311 01 Sediment & Stratigraph David Jones Amherst College MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
GEOL 311L 01 Sediment & Stratigraph-Lab David Jones Amherst College T 02:30PM-05:30PM
GEOL 321 01 Igneous Metamor Petrolgy John Cheney Amherst College MWF 09:00AM-09:50AM
GEOL 321L 01 Petrology Lab John Cheney Amherst College W 02:00PM-05:00PM
GEOL 331 01 Paleoclimatology Kinuyo Kanamaru Amherst College MWF 11:00AM-11:50AM
GEOL 331L 01 Paleoclimatology Kinuyo Kanamaru Amherst College M 02:00PM-04:30PM
GEOL 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
GERM 101 01 Elementary German I Anna Schrade-Viechtbauer Amherst College MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
GERM 102 01 Elementary German II Anna Schrade-Viechtbauer Amherst College MWF 11:00AM-11:50AM
GERM 210 01 Adv Comp & Conversation Heidi Gilpin Amherst College MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
GERM 290 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
GERM 316 01 Cultural Hist from 1800 Ute Brandes Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
GERM 337 01 Gunter Grass Ute Brandes Amherst College MW 02:00PM-03:20PM
GERM 344 01 Popular Cinema Christian Rogowski Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
GERM 354 01 Nietzsche and Freud Christian Rogowski Amherst College TTH 11:30AM-12:50PM
GERM 390 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
GERM 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
GREE 111 01 Intro Greek Language Sarah Olsen Amherst College MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
GREE 212 01 Plato's Apology Frederick Griffiths Amherst College MWF 09:00AM-09:50AM
GREE 318 01 Intro to Greek Epic Dale Sinos Amherst College TTH 11:30AM-12:50PM
GREE 442 01 Adv Greek Lit II Christopher van den Berg Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
GREE 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
HIST 124 01 Europe in Transition Jun Hee Cho Amherst College TTH 11:30AM-12:50PM
HIST 130 01 World War I Ellen Boucher Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
HIST 155 01 20th-Century America Francis Couvares Amherst College MWF 09:00AM-09:50AM
HIST 162 01 History Sexuality U.S. Jen Manion Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM
HIST 174 01 Modern South Asian Hist Dwaipayan Sen Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM
HIST 209 01 Inequality Michael Ching, Hilary Moss Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
HIST 212 01 Intro Hist West Medicine John Servos Amherst College MW 08:30AM-09:50AM
HIST 220 01 Propaganda Mod Europe April Trask Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
HIST 224 01 Gender Sex Modern Europe April Trask Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
HIST 239 01 Segregated America Alec Hickmott Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM
HIST 240 01 Last Russian Revolution Sergey Glebov Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
HIST 258 01 Pol Econ Middle East Steven Simon Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM
HIST 265 01 Environ Hist: Lat Amer Rick Lopez Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
HIST 283 01 Intro South African Hist Sean Redding Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM
HIST 301 01 Writing the Past Dwaipayan Sen Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
HIST 339 01 Making of Market Society Jun Hee Cho Amherst College W 02:00PM-04:30PM
HIST 350 01 Africa/Brazil Mary Hicks Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
HIST 360 01 Revolutionary America Jen Manion Amherst College W 02:00PM-04:30PM
HIST 362 01 Security Decision Making Steven Simon Amherst College M 02:00PM-04:30PM