English 374 - Spike Lee's Joints

John Drabinski, Marisa Parham

TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM

Amherst College
FAYE 115
jdrabinski@amherst.edu; mparham@amherst.edu

(Offered as ENGL 374, BLST 330 [US], and FAMS 358.)  In offering extended formal considerations of Spike Lee’s cinematic oeuvre–in particular his uses of light, sound, and color–this course is interested in how shifting through various modes of critical inquiry can enable or broaden different kinds of cultural, political, or historical engagement with a film. This semester we will also pay special attention to the question of what it means to encapsulate a particular cultural moment, particularly vis-à-vis the often differing demands of fictional and non-fictional representation.

Spring semester. Professor Parham and Visiting Professor Drabinski.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.