Art & the History of Art 302 - Belief As Basis

Cullen Washington
MW 09:00AM-11:00AM
Amherst College

Humans have a constant quest to question who they are in relation to natural phenomena and disaster. Artists are a special breed on the cusp of answering these questions in dynamic ways. In this course, we will explore art movements that have coped with the aftermath of war, and others that have developed belief systems to understand how they fit in the world at large. The Dada Movement, Arte Povera, Abstract Expressionism, Bauhaus, and the Gutai art movements will be our focus. Through reading, class discussion, and open interpretation, the beliefs set forth by the writings of these movements will serve as an impetus for the creation of a small body of work.

Requisite:  ARHA 111 and ARHA 215 or equivalent.  Limited to 6 students. Fall semester. Visiting Artist-in-Residence Washington.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.