Art & the History of Art 201 - Measuring Histories

Sonya Clark
MW 01:00PM-03:00PM
Amherst College
FAYE 101

The most quotidian objects possess the power to connect to a broad audience. This course will harness that power to make art that measures and recounts past events in human history.  The events might be small or large, little known, personally experienced, or widely recounted. Students will interrogate the context, function, materiality, and symbolism of common objects from as many vantage points as possible. We will explore how objects in multiples can disrupt, engage, challenge, obscure or metaphorically highlight the meaning in materials. The class will explore methods of combining, linking, and connecting common objects both conceptually and physically toward the manifestation of both singular and collaborative artworks. We will work together to select suitable materials and methods to quantify, measure, and actualize diverse histories and narratives. Students should be prepared to share materials, ideas, stories, and ways of working. 

Limited to 20 students. Fall semester. Visiting Artist Clark.

Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.