Music 221 - Music & Culture I

Klara Moricz
TTH 11:30AM-12:50PM
Amherst College
ARMU 102

(Offered as MUSI 221 and EUST 221) One of three courses in which music is studied in relation to issues of history, theory, culture, and performance, with the focus of the course changing from year to year. In 2018-19, this course will serve as an introduction to European music in the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. We will begin by singing Gregorian chant and will go on to cover such topics as the music of the Troubadours, the polyphonic style associated with Notre Dame, the development of musical notation, Renaissance sacred polyphony, madrigals, court dances, and the birth of opera. Throughout the course we will seek to bring the music we study alive by performing some of it. In December we will host an ensemble of Medieval music, Sequentia, which will perform the program "Monk Singing Pagans," demonstrating a vibrant culture in which Christian monks gave voice to their pagan ancestors. Assignments include listening to musical works, reading historical documents, and writing about aspects of this fascinating time in music history.

Requisite: MUSI 112 or consent of the instructor. Fall semester. Professor Moricz.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.