Spanish 130 - Spanish IV

Valentina Velazquez Zvierkova
MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
Amherst College
BARR 105

While expanding on the grammar essentials covered in SPAN 125, this course helps the student further develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. It is directed toward students who already have a good linguistic-communicative competency, broadening their contact with different kinds of texts, deepening their grammatical understanding, and enabling them to communicate through a variety of forms and registers.

Upon completing the course, students should be able to make themselves understood with accuracy and fluency and participate easily in a wide range of formal and informal communicative situations. An array of literary texts and films not ordinarily considered in language classes will be used. 

This course prepares students for SPAN 199. Three hours per week with the lecturer, plus one hour with the language assistant. Limited to 15 students per section. This course may be counted toward the Spanish Major. The class will be conducted entirely in Spanish.

Requisite: SPAN 125 or Spanish Placement Exam. Fall and spring semesters. Lecturer Velazquez Zvierkova and Assistants.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.