Theater and Dance 125H - The Craft of Speaking I: Vocal Freedom
M/W/F | 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
A beginning studio course in the development of voice for speaking. Students develop range and tone through regular physical exercises in relaxation, breathing technique, placement, and presence. Individual attention focuses on helping each student develop the physical, mental, and emotional self-awareness needed for expressive vocal production. Practice is oriented toward acting for the stage, but students with a primary interest in public speaking, teaching, or improved interpersonal communication will find this course valuable. A modicum of reading and written reflection is required. Three class meetings per week. A half course.
Limited to 28 students. Six spaces reserved for first-year students. Fall semester. Professor Bashford.
How to handle overenrollment: Priority given to Theater and Dance majors, then sophomores and a limited number of first-year students, followed by seniors and juniors.
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: This course will involve regular attendance and class participation, class discussion, reading, possible viewing and writing assignments, group work outside of class including rehearsal or other artistic assignments, as well as physical or vocal performance work and/or visual, aural, and physical analysis as applicable.