Theater and Dance 250 - Moving Images: Bodies in Motion
TU/TH | 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM
This introductory studio class focuses on multiple ways of tracking, viewing, and capturing bodies in motion and explores choreographic ideas and practice alongside digital media. The course examines various artists’ practices and their creative research to expand the methodologies of art making and experimentation through in-class practices and hands-on projects. Examples include Okwui Okpokwasili, Liz Magic Laser, Joan Jonas, Bill Viola, Pipilotti Rist, Bruce Nauman, and Kimsooja. The course will emphasize working with the camera as an extension of the body to explore radically different points of view. We will experiment with framing, composition, and camera movement to bring a heightened awareness of kinesthetic involvement, animation and emotional immediacy to the bodies on screen and behind the camera. This course will focus on experimentation and exploration rather than technical skill building. Based on student interests, final projects can range from choreographies for the camera, fictional narratives, and experimental film to multimedia live video performance and installation. Limited to 22 students. The course is open to everyone; previous experience in performance/video composition can be beneficial but is not required.
Fall semester. Visiting Professor Kim.
How to handle overenrollment: Instructor will seek a balance of levels and class years.
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: This course will involve regular attendance and class participation, class discussion, reading, possible viewing and writing assignments, group work outside of class including rehearsal or other artistic assignments, as well as physical or vocal performance work and/or visual, aural, and physical analysis as applicable. Attendance at performances outside of class may also be required.