Arabic 401 - Fourth-Year Arabic: Media Arabic
M/W | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
Media Arabic is an advanced Language fourth-year level course. Students are required to complete a set amount of media-related material during the semester. The course introduces the language of print and the Internet news media to students of Arabic seeking to reach the advanced level, according to the ACTFL standards. It makes it possible for those students to master core vocabulary and structures typical of front-page news stories, recognize various modes of coverage, distinguish fact from opinion, detect bias and critically read news in Arabic. The course enables students to:
Read extended Arabic Media texts with greater accuracy at the advanced level by focusing on meaning, information structure, vocabulary and language form, and markers of cohesive discourse;
Understand the main idea and most supporting details of Arabic media presentations and news and follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various time frames;
Converse comfortably in Arabic in familiar and some unfamiliar situations, and deliver detailed and organized presentations on familiar as well as unfamiliar concrete media topics using various time frames;
Write clear, detailed texts on media related topics, synthesizing and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources and translating pieces of news from English into Arabic;
Show understanding of cultural differences reflected in the Arabic Media discourse and make appropriate cultural references when interacting in Arabic.
Requisite: ARAB 302 or equivalent. Limited to 18 students. Fall semester. Five College Senior Lecturer Hassan.
How to handle overenrollment: Priority given to ASLC majors, then to class year (seniors first).
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: In this course, students will use a textbook, a range of audio and video instructional and authentic materials and teacher-prepared materials and exercises. The final grade is determined by class participation and assignments, three term-exams, oral presentations and a final term paper.