Film & Media Studies 416 - Sound and the Moving Image
M/W | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
(Offered as ARHA 416 and FAMS 416) This advanced studio course explores the aesthetics of sound in its relationship with the moving image. The role that sound plays in cinematic form covers a broad spectrum of possibility, from exposition to deep subjectivity. By exploring techniques and ideas in both audio capture and post-production sound, we will experiment with these possibilities in a number of conventional and unconventional ways, thinking through the aural dimension both in combination with the image and as separate from it. Students in this course will complete a number of individual video and sound projects and will work on classroom exercises using voice, music and other forms of sound design. The course will include a survey of recent and historical moving image sound works as well as readings of critical material on sound design theory, history and practice.
Spring Semester. Professor Levine.
How to handle overenrollment: ARHA and FAMS majors. Preference for Juniors and Seniors.
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Emphasis on artistic work, group work, technical skills (equipment and software), problem-solving, aural/visual analysis, classroom discussion and critique.