Statistics 200 - Injustice in Health
M/W | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated continuing health inequity. This course examines public health research through the critical lens of research methods and statistical analysis. A variety of health-related issues in which race, ethnicity, biological sex, and/or sexual orientation are associated with negative health outcomes will be examined. Students will read current research literature demonstrating health inequity, examine the history of health-related research in that area, and scrutinize uninformed analyses/conclusions that lead to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and inadequate medical practice. Examples of intervention programs designed to eliminate health disparities will be reviewed with special attention given to those aspects associated with success and how effective program evaluation is conducted. This sophomore seminar is intended for students who have some experience with statistical methods.
Requisite: STAT 111 or MATH/STAT 135 or STAT 136 or equivalent. Limited to 20 students. Spring semester. Professor Matheson.
How to handle overenrollment: Preference given to sophomores
Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Students will write about, discuss, and present on topics related to these themes, in both individual and group format.