Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0302 - Applied Ethnomusicology

Rebecca Miller
01:00PM-03:50PM W
Hampshire College
Music and Dance Building RECITAL
While ethnomusicology -- the study of music in culture -- has traditionally been relegated to the classroom, the field has, in recent years, spawned interest outside of the academy. Recognizing the importance of multicultural education and outreach, arts organizations, funders, and community groups are focusing on the public presentation of community musics for general audiences. In this course, students will learn about applied ethnomusicology as well as how to document and present the musical culture of a specific community in the Pioneer Valley. Students will learn fieldwork methodologies such as interviewing, oral history, photography, and audio and video recordings. In addition to weekly reading and fieldwork assignments, students will write a 10 page ethnography on their community. Students will also complete a short project that will return something to this community, such as organizing a concert, creating a short video or audio documentary, or creating a webpage, among other options. Prerequisite: Prior coursework in ethnomusicology, anthropology, or cultural studies.
In this course, students are expected to spend nine hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This is a field work course.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
This course has unspecified prerequisite(s) - please see the instructor.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.