Interdisciplinary Arts 0217 - Radical Youth Theatre

Natalie Sowell
12:30PM-03:20PM T
Hampshire College
Emily Dickinson Hall 104
Youth theatre, predictably, describes theatre for and by young people. Youth theatre at its best is a safe space in which young people explore issues and take risks while learning the art of theatre making. This youth theatre course is comprised of three main segments: Research, skill building, and creative practice. We will begin by researching local, national, and international youth theatre troupes with a focus on activism. Next we will learn and practice strategies for directing/facilitating youth theatre (including applied theatre methods and techniques for devising original work). Finally, students will engage in an extensive community based learning experience working with a group of youth artists co-creating an original performance piece. Prerequisite: Some experience working with youth is necessary.
Arts, Design, and Media Multiple Cultural Perspectives Independent Work In this course, students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This time includes reading, writing, creative work, and group assignments. Additional time will be spent working on a community engaged learning project with youth. Field trips are anticipated.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
This course has unspecified prerequisite(s) - please see the instructor.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.