Cognitive Science 0179 - Field Methods Animal Behavior

Sarah Partan
09:00AM-11:50AM F
Hampshire College
Adele Simmons Hall 222
This class will cover research methods for observing, coding, and analyzing animal behavior. We will practice behavior sampling and recording techniques on both domestic animals at the farm and wild animals in the campus woods. Behaviors observed will include social behavior, foraging and communication behavior. Students will carry out independent team projects on a species either in the Hampshire woods or the Farm, and will be expected to consult the primary scientific literature to learn about their species. We will examine how to summarize, analyze, and present data. Students will work with spreadsheets and make graphs to present their data, as well as calculate inter-observer reliability scores. Papers and presentations will be due for each project.
Mind, Brain, and Information Independent Work Quantitative Skills In this course, students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This time includes reading, writing, animal observations and research with your team.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.