Natural Science 0232 - Wetlands for Water Treatment

Wetlands for Water Treatment

Christina Cianfrani

01:00PM-02:20PM M;01:00PM-02:20PM W

Hampshire College
Cole Science Center 333;Cole Science Center 333
Wetland ecosystems are biologically important habitats and provide many ecosystem services including flood control, water filtration, and groundwater recharge. Constructed wetlands use these principles to treat waste generated by humans (e.g. stormwater, greywater, wastewater). In this course we will study the design, hydrology, and nutrient and pollutant cycling of natural and constructed wetlands. Students will read scholarly literature, complete problem sets, and work collaboratively in the field and laboratory to sample and analyze soils, vegetation, and water from wetlands on the Hampshire College campus. During the second half of the semester, students will design and carry out their own research projects. This class is designed with a commitment to accessibility and to providing access to students of all backgrounds and abilities. Students that take Wetlands for Water Treatment must also enroll in Wetlands for Water Treatment LABORATORY (NS-233). Keywords:environmental science, hydrology, natural resources, ecology

Environments and Change Students should expect to spend 8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.