Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0150 - 16mm Film Workshop: Experiments with Light and Shadow

16MM Film Workshop

Magda Bermudez

09:00AM-11:50AM TH;07:00PM-09:00PM W

Hampshire College
Jerome Liebling Center 120;Jerome Liebling Center 120
16mm Film Workshop: Experiments with Light and Shadow is an introductory filmmaking course, introducing students to the fundamental skills of working with a 16mm Bolex camera, analog editing, optical printing, camera-less techniques, animation, projection, and digitization, demonstrating a fully analog and hybrid workflow. In addition to technical workshops, students will critically engage with a wide variety of analog moving-image practices, meeting the works of filmmakers such as Barbara Hammer, Paige Taul, Su Friedrich, and Edward Owens. Students will complete a series of exercises as they hone their skills, culminating in a final creative project Keywords:Film, Moving-Image, Cinema, Production, Art

Time and Narrative Lab/Material Fee: $65 Students should expect to spend 8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.