Anthropology 212 - Consumption/Exchange

Joshua Roth
TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 206
We shop for our food, for our clothes, for our colleges. We purchase cars, manicures, and vacations. It seems that there is little that cannot be bought or sold. But we also give and receive gifts, exchange favors, 'go dutch' in restaurants, and invite friends for potlucks. This course examines exchange systems cross-culturally, in order to understand their cultural significance and social consequences. It explores how our own commodity exchange system, which appears to be no more than an efficient means of distributing goods and services, in fact contains intriguing symbolic dimensions similar to the gift exchange systems of Native North America, Melanesia, and Africa.
Prereq: ANTHR-105.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.