Dance 309NA - Dance Repertory: Ballet Variations: 'Five Moons: Native American Ballerinas'

Native American Ballerinas

Rose Flachs;Charles Flachs
M 12:45PM-02:00PM;TTH 12:45PM-01:45PM;WF 12:45PM-02:30PM
Mount Holyoke College
Kendall Hall/Sports Complex ST3;Kendall Hall/Sports Complex ST3;Kendall Hall/Sports Complex ST3;
The Five Moons are five Native American ballerinas from Oklahoma who achieved international prominence during the 20th century. The class will research and study the lives and artistic careers of these ballerinas through the embodied practice of classical ballet. Understanding their contributions to the field of ballet is an essential focus for the class. Requirements outside of the classroom include readings, viewing videos of performances, learning choreography, and group discussions.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.