Environmental Studies 339 - Indigenous and Decolonial Ecologies

Indigenous & Decolonial Ecol.

Sylvia Cifuentes

TH 01:30PM-04:20PM

Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 327
From protesting pipelines in Standing Rock to fighting fires in Brazil, Indigenous peoples have been at the forefront of environmental struggles. But how do Indigenous peoples characterize relationships with land/territories? How do Indigenous and other marginalized groups contest colonialism when engaging with their territories, and in politics? What alternative worlds do they imagine? This course will seek to answer these questions in connection to theories, concepts, and cases focused on the Americas/Abya-Yala. It will further center Indigenous and other marginalized ways of knowing, worldviews, and lifeways, when analyzing issues like pollution, conservation, or environmental conflicts.

Prereq: 8 credits in the department or in humanities or social science at the 200-level or above.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.