Gender Studies 333WE - Advanced Seminar: 'Weird Feelings: Unsettling Latin American Short Fiction'
Weird Feelings:LatAm ShortFic
Adriana Pitetta
TTH 09:00AM-10:15AM
Mount Holyoke College
Ciruti 217
In this course we will read and discuss a group of short stories written by contemporary female, queer and trans Latin American authors. These stories deal with (among other weird feelings and states) the uncanny, the unsettling and the horror of daily life as well as processes of becoming, embodiment and disidentification. This course considers the intersections of identity and imagination, race, gender, and class. Special attention is given to the way in which these writings depict oppression and resilience and how they reinvent the Latin American short story writing tradition. Authors may include Ivan Monalisa, Guadalupe Nettel, Mariana Enriquez, Camila Sosa, and Claudia Salazar.
Reserved at present for students who will be registered from the waitlist.; Prereq: Two 200-level Spanish courses above SPAN-212.
Taught in Spanish.