Spanish 340RR - Advanced Studies in Visual Cultures: 'Anti-Fascism in Film: Reel Revolutions'

Anti-Fascism in Film

Justin Crumbaugh

TTH 10:30AM-11:45AM

Mount Holyoke College
Ciruti 202
This course analyzes the fight against fascism through the lens of Spanish cinema. Students learn about the history of fascism and anti-fascism in general, Spain's pivotal role in the battle between the two opposing ideologies, the stylistic traits adopted by each in cinema, and how films themselves can wage "reel" revolution. Struggles against capitalism, officially dictated national(ist) histories and cis-hetero-normativity, as well as stances in favor of organized anarchism, are also central to anti-fascist art and politics. The course concludes with reflections on anti-fascism in the Americas, particularly in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and the United States.

Prereq: Two courses in Spanish at the 200-level above SPAN-212.

Taught in Spanish.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.