Biology 131 - Research in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation

Res:Biodiv, Ecol, Consrv Lab

Mary Caroline McKitrick

TU 1:10 PM - 4:00 PM

Smith College
Sabin-Reed 223
Students pull on their boots and explore local habitats that may include the Mill River, MacLeish Field Station, Smith campus Botanic Gardens and local hemlock forests. Students gain experience with a diversity of organisms by conducting research projects that can enhance their understanding of ecology and conservation. Students practice the scientific process and document their work in a lab notebook. Research skills developed include hypothesis development, data collection, statistical analysis and presentation of results. Because research projects vary seasonally, please see the Department of Biological Sciences website for more information. Enrollment limited to 16. Corequisite: BIO 130 recommended.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.