Environmental Science & Policy 311 - Interpreting and Communicating Environmental Information

Environmental Info

Yancey Orr

TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM

Smith College
McConnell 102
This course focuses on the interpretation and communication of environmental issues and solutions from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives. Using contemporary environmental issues as a foundation, this course emphasizes careful assessment of both message and audience to design effective communication strategies for complex issues. Students develop the ability to read, interpret and critique environmental research from a variety of disciplines; to consider the needs and motivation of their audience; to develop evidence-based arguments tailored to a particular audience; and to articulate those arguments clearly and concisely. Prerequisite: one semester of statistics. ENV 101 and ENV 201 and ENV 202 are strongly recommended. Enrollment limited to 18. Instructor permission required.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.