Interdepartmental 291 - Reflecting on Your International Experience with Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling

Molly Falsetti-Yu

W 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM; M 1:40 PM - 2:55 PM

Smith College
Hatfield 202
SPN 291-01, IDP 291-01
Offered as SPN 291 and IDP 291. A course designed for students who have spent a semester, summer, Interterm or year abroad. After introducing the methodology of digital storytelling, in which images and recorded narrative are combined to create short video stories, students write and create their own stories based on their time abroad. Participants script, storyboard and produce a 3-4 minute film about the challenges and triumphs of their experience and share it with others. Prerequisite: Significant experience abroad (study abroad, praxis, internship, Global Engagement Seminar or other). For 1 additional credit that counts toward the translation concentration, students may translate and narrate their stories into the language of the country where they spent their time. Enrollment limited to 15.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.