Latin American Studies 291 - Colloquium: Decolonize This Museum?
Colq:Decolonize This Museum?
Dana Leibsohn
TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM
Smith College
Hillyer 103
What does it mean to de-colonize a museum? How does such work happen, and who actually does the "decolonizing?" With these questions as guide, this class considers Latin American museums--of art, natural history, local and other histories--through comparative lenses. Decolonizing conversations are taking place in many parts of the world, and so this course addresses Latin American and Latinx projects in relation to those taking place in Africa and the Pacific Islands, in western Europe and North America. Independent research projects figure prominently. At least one class in Latin American and Latino/a Studies, art history or anthropology is recommended.