Spanish 372sb - Seminar:Topics in Latin American and Iberian Studies-Blackness in Spain
Sem:T-Black in Spain
Reyes Lázaro
W 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM; M 1:40 PM - 2:55 PM
Smith College
Wright 002
This course investigates the lives of Spaniards of African origin or individuals who lived in Spain such as: painter Juan de Pareja (Velazquez’s slave) in the 17th century, whose unique portrait by Velazquez hangs at the New York Metropolitan Museum; volunteers of the Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, for example poet Langston Hughes, and nurse Salaria Kea; migrant workers; Smith alumna Lori L. Tharp, author of a travel memoir of her Junior Year Abroad, Kinky Gazpacho (2008), which she describes as a “racial coming of age.” The ultimate goal is to gain understanding of racial relations in Spain and to explore the geology of Western racism. Enrollment limited to 14. Juniors and seniors only. Instructor permission required.
[CE] JR/SR only