Spanish 373ds - Seminar: Topics in Cultural Movements in Spanish America-Defiant Screens: Latin American Cinema After Neoliberalism
Sem:T-Defiant Screens
Maria Rueda
TU TH 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Smith College
Hillyer 109
The sweeping neoliberal reforms of the 1980s and 1990s had a dramatic effect in the social fabric of all Latin American countries. They also deeply impacted the region’s cinema, with many directors throughout the continent confronting head on the challenges of neoliberalism. This seminar looks at the many ways in which Latin American filmmakers explored and contested the difficult social conditions created by this market-based system of governance. The class discusses films dealing with topics such as societal fragmentation and political agency; shifts in notions of family and gender, violence and conflict; resignifications of space; and indigeneities and social ecologies. As the continent sees political forces shifting away from the radical neoliberalism of the turn of the century, the class explores how and if these films participated in such transformations. Enrollment limited to 12. Juniors and seniors only. Instructor permission required.
[CE] JR/SR only