Film and Media Studies 311 - Screening: Seminar: Media Fandom, Participation and Fan Studies

Sem:Fandom Screening

Sebnem Baran

W 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Smith College
Hillyer Graham
Film Screening. Trending their fandom’s names on Twitter, funding the big screen adaptation of their favorite shows via Kickstarter, and in some cases, getting out on the streets for physical protests--Media fans and fandoms have become more visible in the digital age. However, fan practices pre-date the widespread use of the internet. This course explores the past and the present of media fandom alongside the ways in which fans have been represented and studied. While surveying the history of fandom and fan studies, the course studies the notions of participation, engagement and activism in connection with fan practices. Priority given to FMS majors and minors. Prerequisite: FMS 150. Enrollment limited to 12. Juniors and seniors only. Instructor permission required. (E)

[CE] JR/SR only; Prereq: FMS 150

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.