History 259dc - Colloquium: Topics in African History-Decolonization: A People's History

Colq: African:T-Decolonization

Jeffrey S. Ahlman

W 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM; M 3:05 PM - 4:20 PM

Smith College
Burton 101
Recently, talk of “decolonization” seems to be everywhere. Yet, absent from much of the contemporary discourse on decolonization is a reflection on the experiences and perspectives of those who lived through this era of upheaval, uncertainty and, for many, hope. Focusing on African history from approximately 1945-1980, this course centers such perspectives as it traces how activists, youth, political leaders, everyday women and men, and many others understood and articulated their hopes, ambitions and struggles in their attempts to construct a world after empire. This course is open to all students and assumes no prior knowledge of African history. Enrollment limited to 18. (E)
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.