Spanish 373pl - Seminar: Topics in Cultural Movements in Spanish America-Embodied Politics in Latin American Films
Sem: T-Politics Lat Amer Film
Maria Rueda
TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM
Smith College
Hatfield 107
This course examines recent Latin American films in their portrayal of bodily identities and practices that carry political weight. Students interrogates these films' attention to issues of race, gender and sexuality, as well as their portrayal of people's interaction with the spaces they inhabit. Most of the films are from Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru but are studied within the broader regional film landscape. By the end of the semester students have a general understanding of that landscape and of the way in which films dealing with embodied histories encourage political reflections. Enrollment limited to 14. Juniors and seniors only. Instructor permission required.
[CE] JR/SR only