Kinesiology 394AI - Aplyig Kin Concpts Real-Wrld


TU 11:15AM 12:30PM

UMass Amherst
This course is designed to bridge the Gen Eds and introductory kinesiology courses with upper-division classes and more focused study and will provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge to real-world situations through work in teams. Additionally, there is a career development component designed to provide students with the necessary skill set to transition from students to successful careers in the field of kinesiology. Students will keep a logbook that reflects the evolution of their thinking regarding questions such as: What did you think you would do with your degree before you took this class? What are you learning/doing that is potentially changing your mind? After taking this class, what are your thoughts about a future career? What steps do you need to take to get from where you are now to where you want to be? A reflective summary based on this logbook will be due at the end of semester. Satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BS-Kin majors.
Open to Senior and Junior Kinesiology majors only. PreReq:KIN100,110,270-273 Satisfying this course satisfies the Integrative Experience (IE) requirement.

Discussion sections do not meet until the second week of class.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.