Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 791B - S-Feminist Theory

Kiran Asher
TU 1:00PM 3:30PM
UMass Amherst
This graduate seminar in feminist theory constitutes a core course for students enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies. The seminar will be organized around questions that emerge for feminisms from the rubrics of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, transnationalism, human rights, economics and postcolonialism. Feminist theory is inherently interdisciplinary and we will draw on classic and contemporary writings from the many fields that contribute to the "field."
Please contact Linda Hillenbrand at 545-1922 or lindah@wost.umass.edu to register for this class. Preference is given to students admitted into the Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies. The theory course is only offered the FALL semester.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.