Japanese 197N - ST-Asian Homosexualities

Stephen Miller
TU TH 4:00PM 5:15PM
UMass Amherst
Asian Homosexualities in Film and Literature is a cross-cultural, transhistorical course that explores conceptions and representations of homosexuality in literature and film throughout Asia. The majority of readings and films will be about male same-sex representations, but the availability of literary works and films about the female same-sex experience is growing and the instructor is dedicated to providing as many as can he to the students. All the readings are in English.
There will be quizzes, one midterm, several film response papers, two 5-7 page papers, and a final exam. The students do not have to speak any of the languages of the countries we will be discussing.

Students will not be asked to write foreign names, titles, genres etc, but they will be expected to recognize them.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.