Animal Science 236 - Equine Management I

Cassandra Uricchio
TH 2:55PM 5:00PM
UMass Amherst
Off Campus Hadley
This course covers scientifically-based principles of equine management including safe horse handling, daily stable operations, record keeping, nutrition, vaccination and de-worming protocols, and breeding herd management.
This course is open to BS-Animal Science & BS-Pre-Veterinary Science majors only. This course is open to BS-Animal Science & BS-Pre-Veterinary Science majors only.
Transportation provided via Stockbridge School shuttle or student carpooling.

Work with horses poses health risks, including development of allergic reactions, physical injury, and exposure to zoonotic diseases. To mitigate these risks, all students must be trained in university safe horse handling protocols, comply with University and Farm Biosecurity practices, and wear appropriate attire (including disinfected boots and gloves)
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.