Animal Science 390T - Canine Tumor Project

Kathleen Arcaro
W 2:40PM 3:30PM
UMass Amherst
Life Sciences Lab Room 540D
Students will gain experience using an on-line research database capture program (REDCap) and participate in all aspects of an ongoing study of canine tumors. Both data management and wet lab skills will be practiced throughout the semester. Data management skills will include field collection of electronic data with REDCap, organization and archiving of biological samples with an electronic database, analysis of data with EXCEL, data presentation with graphs, tables and figures. Wet lab skills will include sterile cell culture technique, preparation of primary cell cultures from canine tumors, tissue fixation, tissue sectioning with a microtome and H & E staining.
Open to ANIMLSCI and PREVET students. ANIMLSCI 103 & BIOLOGY 151 Students are also required to work in the lab and/or field 5 hours per week.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.