Theater 797D - ST-Special Topics/Dramaturgy

Harley Erdman
W 1:25PM 3:45PM
UMass Amherst
Fine Arts Center rm 112
This graduate seminar in dramaturgy each semester goes in depth into a special topic. Topics to include: Multicultural Theater Practice, Performance Theory, Avant-Garde Theater, Production Dramaturgy, Translation, Adaptation, and Dramaturgical Writing. Please check at enrollment time to see what Special Topic is being offered for the coming semester.
COURSE TOPIC, FALL 18: ART OF ADAPTATION. This creative writing workshop focuses on the adaptation of source material into stage plays and performance pieces. We will consider contemporary theories of adaptation and their implications for live performance, as well as case studies of adaptations by contemporary writers. We will do playwriting exercises both in and out of class. Each student will undertake their own adaptation project, selected scenes from which will be showcased in a staged reading that we curate at the end of the semester.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.