Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 693M - S-Conversations/Ghost of Marx

Kiran Asher
TU 1:00PM 3:30PM
UMass Amherst
South College Room E480
In "Europe and the People without History," Eric Wolf, the late anthropologist notes that, "the social sciences constitute one long dialogue with the ghost of Marx." Feminists and anti-colonialists are among the many advocates of social justice who have engaged with Karl Marx's writing and fierce criticism of capitalism. This advanced seminar focuses on an exegesis of some of Marx's oeuvre and the historical and current scholarship that draws on, critiques, and pushes its boundaries. In addition to selections from Marx's key works, we will read the writings of his important interlocutors such as Silvia Federici, Donna Haraway, Antonio Gramsci, Stuart Hall, CLR James, Rosa Luxemburg, Gayatri Spivak, Raymond Williams, and others. Our discussions will emphasize the need to understand the parameters and debates about uneven capitalist development and its raced and gendered dimensions.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.