Communication 140 - Introduction to Film Studies

Shawn Shimpach
TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
UMass Amherst
Integ. Learning Center S240
This course offers an introduction to the study of film as a distinct medium. It introduces the ways in which film style, form, and genre contribute to the meaning and the experience of movies. Topics include film as industrial commodity, narrative and non-narrative form, aspects of style (e.g. composition, cinematography, editing, and sound), and the role of film as a cultural practice. Examples are drawn from new and classic films, from Hollywood and from around the world. This course is intended to serve as a basis for film studies courses you might take in the future.
Open to Sophomores & Freshmen only. Communication majors must complete 3 of the following 5 courses: 118, 121, 122, 125, and 140

This course was formerly numbered and titled COMM 240: Modes of Film Communication. If you have received credit for taking COMM 240, you will not receive credit for taking this course.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.