History 220 - Capitalism & Altern/Latin Amer
Kevin Young
M W 10:10AM 11:00AM
UMass Amherst
Integ. Learning Center S231
Why have poverty and inequality proven so persistent in modern Latin American history? What strategies have people proposed to deal with these problems, and with what consequences? This course surveys the major periods in Latin American and Caribbean economic development, focusing on the last 150 years: the liberal export era of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the state-led industrialization efforts of the mid-twentieth century, experimentation with radical alternatives to capitalism in Cuba and elsewhere, the neoliberal reforms of the 1980s and after, and recent attempts to forge alternatives to neoliberalism. We'll look at the views of politicians, intellectuals, and businesspeople, but also at those of workers, women, indigenous people, migrants, and others typically marginalized in public debate. No prior experience with Latin American history or economics is necessary. (Gen. Ed. HS, DG)
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.