Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 360 - Asian American Feminisms
Miliann Kang
TU 4:00PM 6:30PM
UMass Amherst
South College Room W211
How have the figures of the tiger mother, the Asian nerd, the rice king /queen, the trafficked woman, the geisha, the war bride, the Chinese bachelor, the hermaphrodite, and the orphan emerged as dominant representations of Asian Americans, and how have Asian American feminists critiqued and pushed back against these problematic tropes? Is there a body of work that constitutes ?Asian American feminism(s)? and what are its distinctive contributions to the fields of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (WGSS) and Ethnic Studies? How does this scholarship illuminate historical and contemporary configurations of gender, sexuality, race, class, nation, citizenship, migration, empire, war, neoliberalism, and globalization? In exploring these questions, this course examines Asian American histories, bodies, identities, diasporic communities, representations, and politics through multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, including social science research, literature, popular representations, film, poetry, and art.
This course counts toward the theory requirement for WGSS majors.