Architectural Studies

The Five College Architectural Studies Program embraces the complexity of the process and practice of architecture and attempts to convey—to students and to the community—the many sides of design.

What is architecture? The objective of the Five College Architectural Studies program is to cultivate concerned architectural designers and thinkers through a flexible yet rigorous interdisciplinary course of study. Our cross-disciplinary approach to architectural education introduces students to a multitude of ways of thinking about design in history, in theory and in the studio. The program encourages students to explore a broad cross-section of courses—both in and beyond the architecture discipline of architecture across the Five Colleges—and introduces students to a diverse collection of faculty members, methodologies and design approaches.

On This Page


Gabriel Arboleda 
Associate Professor of Art and the History of Art, and Architectural Studies, Amherst College
Member of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee

Dwight A. Carey
Assistant Professor of Art and the History of Art, Amherst College

Nicola M. Courtright
Professor of the History of Art, Amherst College 

Ludmila Ferrari
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Amherst College  

Heidi Gilpin
Associate Professor of German, Amherst College 

Laure A. Katsaros
Professor in Language and Literature, Amherst College 

Karen R. Koehler
Visiting Professor of the History of Art, Amherst College 

Gretchen Rabinkin
Visiting Instructor in Art and the History of Art, Amherst College 

Yael R. Rice 
Associate Professor of Art & the History of Art and of Asian Languages and Civilizations, Amherst College

Karen Koehler
Professor, Architectural and Art History, Hampshire College
Visiting Professor of the History of Art; Chair of Art and the History of Art, Amherst College; 

Thom Long
Associate Professor, Architecture and Design, Hampshire College

Member of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee

Naomi Darling
Five College Associate Professor, Sustainable Architecture, Mount Holyoke College     
Five College Associate Professor of Architecture, UMass Amherst

Co-Chair of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee

Lisa Haber-Thomson
Assistant Professor of Architectural History, Mount Holyoke College

Jessica Maier
Associate Professor of Art History and Architectural Studies, Mount Holyoke College

Ajay Sinha
Professor of Art History and Architectural Studies, Mount Holyoke College

Dana Leibsohn 
Professor of Art, Art, Smith College
Member of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee

Barbara Kellum 
Professor of Art, Co-Chair of the Art Department and Chair of Art History and Architecture, Smith College

John Moore 
Professor of Art, Art, Smith College

Kathleen Pierce 
Professor of Art, Art, Smith College

John Slepian
Associate Professor of Art & Technology, Co-Chair of the Art Department and Chair of Studio Art and Architecture, Smith College 

Frazer Ward (on sabbatical in Fall 2024)
Professor of Art, Art, Smith College

Caryn Brause
Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst

Carey Clouse
Professor, Architecture and Landscape Architecture, UMass Amherst

Jordan Kanter
Assistant Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst   

Joseph Krupczynski
Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst  

Sandy Litchfield
Associate Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst  

Ray Kinoshita Mann
Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst  

Ann Marshall
Lecturer, Architecture, UMass Amherst 

Patricia McGirr
Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, UMass Amherst

Member of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee  

Pari Riahi
Associate Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst

Stephen Schreiber
Professor and Chair, Architecture, UMass Amherst
Member of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee  

Eldra-Dominique Walker
Assistant Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst

Robert Williams
Assistant Professor, Architecture, UMass Amherst

Erika Zekos
Senior Lecturer, Architecture, UMass Amherst
Co-Chair of the 5 College Architectural Studies Committee 

About the FC Architectural Studies Program

About the Program

The Five College Architectural Studies program encourages a serious commitment to the study and practice of architecture. It also opens students to discovering the ways in which architecture effects change in—and is affected by—its surrounding environment. Students are strongly encouraged to explore, study and analyze elements of the design process, including urban fabrics, social structures, environmental systems and economics of building. While immersed in a diverse cross-section of courses in a multitude of disciplines, students are encouraged to identify and develop their individual role as designers and thinkers. The impact of their actions on an individual, community and national level are probed.

The Five College architecture program embraces the complexity of the process and practice of architecture and attempts to convey—to students and to the community—the many sides of design. We explore architecture through: art, technology, environmental studies, history, theory, psychology, physiology, physics, media design, sociology, semiologylinguistics, politics, science and math; we consider creative modes of operation while we look at creativity, patterns, actions, weight, power, force, light, memory, time, sound, color, language, programming, syntax, form, environment, resources, humanity, struggle, infrastructure, consciousness, perception, networks, materials, transport, commodities, community, marketing, family, public-ness and private-ness. Students will find a personal connection to architecture by investigating the many ways in which the built environment impacts their lives and the ways in which they as students of architectural history, theory and practice might, in turn, change that world.

The Major

Amherst College, Hampshire College and Mount Holyoke College participate in the Five College Architectural Studies (FCAS) major. 

Please contact your advisor for more information about how the major works at your school.


Note that if you don't see classes from all campuses currently listed, they will appear as the campuses release their course schedules for the semester. The five campuses release their schedules on different dates. Visit this page for specific dates.

Spring 2025 Architectural Studies Courses

Subject Course # Sect # Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
ARCH 204 01 Housing Urbanization Dev Gabriel Arboleda Amherst College TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
ARCH 205 01 Sustainable Design Gabriel Arboleda Amherst College M/W | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
ARCH 301 01 Space and Design Gretchen Rabinkin Amherst College M/W | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
ARHA 136 01 British Art and Design Zo Dostalë Amherst College M/W | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
ARHA 157 01 PostColonial City Dwight Carey Amherst College M/W | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
ARHA 199 01 Apocalypse and Utopia Karen Koehler Amherst College M/W | 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
ARHA 232 01 Cartographic Cultures Dwight Carey Amherst College TU/TH | 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM
ARHA 333 01 Drawing Shifting Land Abby Flanagan Amherst College TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
ARHA 417 01 Mughal Empire Yael Rice Amherst College M | 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM
GERM 260 01 Race, Place, Research Heidi Gilpin Amherst College F | 12:00 PM - 2:45 PM
GERM 364 01 Archs of Disappearance Heidi Gilpin Amherst College W | 4:15 PM - 7:15 PM
SPAN 321 01 Architecture & Violence Ludmila Ferrari Amherst College TU/TH | 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM
SPAN 382 01 The Common Arts Ludmila Ferrari Amherst College TU/TH | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
HACU 0307 1 Architecture & Design Capstone Thomas Long Hampshire College 09:00AM-11:50AM TU;09:00AM-11:50AM TH
ARCH 205AD 01 Intro to Architecture: Design Naomi Darling Mount Holyoke College MW 08:45AM-11:15AM
ARCH 305UE 01 Public Space/Spanish Cities Megan Saltzman Mount Holyoke College MW 03:15PM-04:30PM
ARTH 101 01 The Built Environment Lisa Haber-Thomson Mount Holyoke College MW 01:45PM-03:00PM
ARTH 103 01 Western Art: 1400-2000 Jessica Maier Mount Holyoke College MW 10:00AM-11:15AM
ARTH 290SP 01 Medieval Iberia Samuel Barber Mount Holyoke College MW 10:00AM-11:15AM
ARTH 300AM 01 Architec. in Miniature in Asia Ajay Sinha Mount Holyoke College MW 11:30AM-12:45PM
ARTST 142AT 01 Fndt: Art and Technology Dixon Williams Mount Holyoke College TTH 09:00AM-11:30AM
ARH 236 01 Architectures of Collecting Dana Leibsohn Smith College TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM
ARH 290ce 01 Colq:T-China in Expansion Yanlong Guo Smith College M 3:05 PM - 4:20 PM; W 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
ARH 290cv 01 Colq:T-Colonialisms&UnMaking Dana Leibsohn Smith College TU TH 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
ARH 290hw 01 Colq: T-Home as Art John E. Moore Smith College M W 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
ARH 290mm 01 Colq:T-Monuments Cat Dawson Smith College TU TH 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM
ARH 290ss 01 Colq:T-Swords & Scandals Barbara A. Kellum Smith College TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
ARCH 211 01 The City Sarah Hutcheson UMass Amherst M W F 9:05AM 9:55AM
ARCH 401 02 Design IV Studio Brien Baker UMass Amherst M W 1:00PM 3:45PM
ARCH 401 1 Design IV Studio Stephen Schreiber UMass Amherst M W 1:00PM 3:45PM
ARCH 404 01 Design VI Erika Zekos UMass Amherst M W 1:00PM 3:45PM
ARCH 404 02 Design VI Michelle Darling,Louis Fiocchi UMass Amherst M W 1:00PM 3:45PM
ARCH 404 03 Design VI Caryn Brause UMass Amherst M W 1:00PM 3:45PM
ARCH 550 01 Tectonics I Robert Williams UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
LANDARCH 160 01 Lecture Series in LANDARCH Peter Dunn UMass Amherst TU TH 4:00PM 5:15PM
SUSTCOMM 125 01 Global Cities & Global Issues Darrel Ramsey-Musolf UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
SUSTCOMM 285 01 ClimChange&ResilientCities Paromita Shome UMass Amherst TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM

Contact Us

Program Co-Chairs:

Naomi Darling, Five College Associate Professor of Sustainable Architecture, Mount Holyoke College and UMass Amherst

Erika Zekos, Senior Lecturer in Architecture, UMass Amherst 

Five College Staff Liaison:

April Shandor, Academic Programs Coordinator

Connect with us:

Join our email list! The Five College Architectural Studies email list is open to faculty, staff and students interested in Architectural Studies to share announcements and information.