
Using the cross-registration system, students can choose from 7,000 undergraduate courses offered at our five institutions.

Five College Course Schedule

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Fall 2024 semester pre-registration courses (changing daily):

Fall 2024 courses for Hampshire College, Smith College, UMass Amherst, Mount Holyoke College, and Amherst College are available now.

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Subject Sort ascending Course # Sect # Type Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
STOCKSCH 298 01 PRA Practicum UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 397W 01 LEC ST- Food Systems in Cuba Francis Mangan UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 496B 01 IND IS-Soil Science UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 109 01LM LAB Insects of Ornamentals UMass Amherst TU 2:30PM 4:25PM
STOCKSCH 572 01LL LAB Nematology UMass Amherst M 1:25PM 4:25PM
STOCKSCH 498Y 01 PRA Practicum John Gerber UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 391A 01 SEM S-Dialogue/Agricultural Issues John Gerber UMass Amherst TU 2:30PM 3:25PM
STOCKSCH 100 01 LEC Botany for Gardeners Stephen Herbert UMass Amherst M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM
STOCKSCH 499P 01 IND Honors Project Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 298E 01 PRA AdvBrking,Training,DrivngHorse Jillianne Smith UMass Amherst M W F 9:30AM 11:30AM
STOCKSCH 197K 01 LEC ST-History&Use- Herbs/Kitchen Brittany Nickerson UMass Amherst TH 4:00PM 6:00PM
STOCKSCH 108 01 LEC Intro Botany George Locascio UMass Amherst M W F 12:20PM 1:10PM
STOCKSCH 696 02 IND Independent Study Michelle DaCosta UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 499T 01 IND Honors Thesis Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 397GB 01LL LAB ST-Grapevine Biology UMass Amherst W 12:20PM 4:15PM
STOCKSCH 396 01 IND Independent Study UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 108 01LL LAB Intro Botany UMass Amherst W 10:10AM 12:05PM
STOCKSCH 297B 01 LEC ST-ForestGardens:PerennAgr/Eco Lisa Depiano UMass Amherst TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
STOCKSCH 192F 01 SEM First Year Seminar Wesley Autio UMass Amherst TU 8:30AM 9:45AM
STOCKSCH 499Y 01 IND Honors Research Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 298G 01 PRA Gardenshare Practicum Renee Ciulla UMass Amherst M 2:30PM 3:45PM
STOCKSCH 108 01LM LAB Intro Botany UMass Amherst TH 11:30AM 1:25PM
STOCKSCH 190M 01 LEC Intro/Mushroom Cultivation William Crosby UMass Amherst M 4:00PM 6:00PM
STOCKSCH 596 01 IND Independent Study Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 265 01 LEC Sustainable Agriculture Renee Ciulla UMass Amherst TU 1:00PM 5:00PM
STOCKSCH 296E 01 IND Independent Study -EQMGT Cassandra Uricchio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 108 01LN LAB Intro Botany UMass Amherst TH 2:30PM 4:25PM
STOCKSCH HI315 01 IND Greenhouse Management HnrsInd Douglas Cox UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 197W 01 SEM ST-FoodWaste&Recov/MoreSustFd Mary Bell;Angela Roell UMass Amherst W 4:00PM 5:30PM
STOCKSCH 661 01 LEC Intermed Biometry Wesley Autio UMass Amherst TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
STOCKSCH 496C 01 IND IS-Teaching Assistant UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 396E 01 IND Independent Study - EQMGT Cassandra Uricchio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 108 01LQ LAB Intro Botany UMass Amherst F 10:10AM 12:05PM
STOCKSCH 198F 02 PRA P-SustFood&FarmingInternship Renee Ciulla UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 661 01LL LAB Intermed Biometry UMass Amherst TU 1:00PM 2:15PM
STOCKSCH 196ISH 01 IND Honors Indep Study STOCKSCH Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 498 01 PRA Practicum UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 105 01 LEC Soils Stephen Simkins UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
STOCKSCH 696 01 IND Independent Study Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 296ISH 01 IND Honors Indep Study STOCKSCH Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 356 01 LEC Food Justice and Policy Catherine Sands UMass Amherst M W 12:20PM 1:10PM
STOCKSCH 105 01LL LAB Soils UMass Amherst M 1:25PM 3:20PM
STOCKSCH 793A 01 SEM Sem-Presentation Om Parkash Dhankher UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 396ISH 01 IND Honors Indep Study STOCKSCH Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 497P 01 LEC ST-Pharmacognosy Lyle Craker UMass Amherst TU TH 4:00PM 5:15PM
STOCKSCH 105 01LM LAB Soils UMass Amherst TU 1:00PM 2:55PM
STOCKSCH 596 02 IND Independent Study UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 692B 01 SEM S-Soils & Climate Change Marco Keiluweit UMass Amherst F 1:25PM 2:15PM
STOCKSCH 893A 01 SEM Sem-Presentation Wesley Autio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
STOCKSCH 496ISH 01 IND Honors Indep Study STOCKSCH UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM