Coastal & Marine Sciences
Offering an interdisciplinary marine-related curriculum to undergraduate students enrolled in the five campuses.
The Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Program offers an interdisciplinary marine-related curriculum to undergraduate students enrolled in a Five College campus. The Coastal and Marine Sciences Certificate is available to students at all five campuses. Through active affiliations with some of the nation's premier centers for marine study (field trips, internships, and study-away programs), students engage in hands-on research to complement course work. Many students who participate in the program go on to advanced study or professional work in various areas of marine science. Five College faculty from both natural and social sciences teach courses in the program. The disciplines represented include animal behavior, biology, botany, chemistry, ecology, engineering, geology, natural resource management, and zoology in the natural sciences, and government, public policy and economics in the social sciences.
On This Page
The Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Certificate enables students from the five campuses to select from a wide variety of marine-science-related courses, including coastal and marine ecology/geology, resource management and public policy, oceanography and coastal engineering to create a cohesive concentration. The Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Certificate is now available to students on all five campuses.
The FCCMS certificate work includes three components:
1) Course work (6 courses)
2) Field and lab work (80 hour minimum)
3) Independent research project/poster
Under the guidance of faculty advisors on each campus, students choose a progressive series of courses available within the five campuses and in approved academic off-campus programs (Sea Education Association, School for Field Studies, Williams-Mystic, Duke University Marine Lab, Shoals Marine Lab, and others). Students are required to gain proficiency in field/lab work through intensive field courses or internships. Finally, students participate in a “capstone” independent, marine-related research project that will count toward the certificate. Students interested in earning the certificate should begin by setting up an introductory meeting with an affiliated faculty member on their campus (see People). Once students have begun the introductory course of study, they will be appointed a faculty advisor affiliated with Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences who will assist with course selection, research projects and field/lab requirements to ensure a strong concentration in marine sciences.

The program office is located at Five Colleges, Inc., 97 Spring Street in Amherst. Students interested in learning more about the Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Certificate or internship program should schedule a meeting with an affiliated faculty member on their home campus (see contact info below). Students affiliated with the program receive information on campus lectures, films and events as well as information on internships and research opportunities in the field.
The FCCMS Program is guided by a steering committee with members from each of the five campuses. Steering committee members also serve as faculty advisors to certificate students.
Steering Committee & Faculty Advisors
Alexandra Purdy, Associate Professor of Biology
David Jones, Professor of Geology
Laela Sayigh, Professor of Animal Behavior
Jason Andras, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Renae Brodie, Professor of Biological Sciences
Al Werner, Professor of Geology
Bosiljka Glumac, Professor of Geosciences
Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences
Brian Cheng, Assistant Professor of Environmental Conservation, Director of Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Program
Andy Danylchuk, Professor of Marine Science
Adrian Jordaan, Associate Professor of Fish Population Ecology and Conservation
Steve Petsch, Associate Professor of Geosciences
Jonathan Woodruff, Professor of Geosciences
Five Colleges, Incorporated (Steering Committee only)
Ray Rennard, Director of Academic Programs
A minimum of six courses in three categories is required for the certificate. Check the complete, categorized course list to see which courses are approved for the certificate. This master list may include courses not currently offered. Some courses may have stipulations (like "with marine project only"), or may require prerequisites.
Note: You do not need to be working towards the certificate to take any of these marine-related courses.
Faculty: Please contact marinesci@fivecolleges.edu if you would like to suggest an addition to the FCCMS list. Include the course number, title, semester(s) offered, and its relevance to marine science.
Other courses in addition to those listed here may be eligible for fulfilling the requirements of the Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Certificate. Students are encouraged to consult a Coastal and Marine Sciences Program campus advisor to identify courses that are appropriate for their interests.
Note that if you don't see classes from all campuses currently listed, they will appear as the campuses release their course schedules for the semester. The five campuses release their schedules on different dates. Visit this page for specific dates.
Subject | Course # | Sect # | Course Title | Instructor(s) | Institution | Meeting Times |
ENST | 260 | 01 | Global Environ. Politics | Ashwin Ravikumar | Amherst College | TU/TH | 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM |
NS | 0365 | 1 | Division III Seminar | Christina Cianfrani | Hampshire College | 10:30AM-11:50AM M;10:30AM-11:50AM W |
ECON | 219 | 01 | Environmental Economics | Theodore Gilliland | Mount Holyoke College | MW 03:15PM-04:30PM |
ENVST | 210 | 01 | Political Ecology | Kevin Surprise | Mount Holyoke College | MW 11:30AM-12:45PM |
ENVST | 316 | 01 | Restoration Ecology | Kate Ballantine | Mount Holyoke College | T 01:30PM-04:20PM |
POLIT | 247 | 01 | International Law and Org. | Andy Reiter | Mount Holyoke College | TTH 10:30AM-11:45AM |
POLIT | 387EV | 01 | U.S. Environmental Politics | Robert Darrow | Mount Holyoke College | MW 10:00AM-11:15AM |
ECO | 224 | 01 | Environmental Economics | Susan Stratton Sayre | Smith College | W 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM; M 1:40 PM - 2:55 PM |
ENV | 201 | 01 | Researching Enviromentl Probs | Efadul Huq | Smith College | TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
ENV | 202 | 01 | Researching Enviro Probs Lab | Efadul Huq | Smith College | W 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM |
GOV | 243 | 01 | Colq: Politics Outer Space | Bozena C. Welborne | Smith College | TU TH 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM |
ECON | 308 | 01 | Political Economy of the Envir | Bilen Gurara | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
ENVIRSCI | 214 | 01 | Ecosystms,Biodivrsty&GloblChng | Brian Cheng | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
GEOGRAPH | 468 | 01 | GIS and Spatial Analysis | Qian Yu | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
NRC | 240 | 01 | Intro to Quantitative Ecology | Huw Lloyd,Meghan MacLean | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
NRC | 309 | 01 | Nat Res Policy&Admin | Charles Schweik | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
NRC | 360 | 01 | Evolution and Conservation | Lisa Komoroske | UMass Amherst | M W F 9:05AM 9:55AM |
NRC | 360 | 01LL | Evolution and Conservation | UMass Amherst | W 10:10AM 12:05PM | |
NRC | 563 | 01 | Wetlands,Wildlife Ecology&Mgmt | Scott Jackson | UMass Amherst | M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM |
NRC | 566 | 01 | Restoration Ecology | Kristina Stinson | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
NRC | 578 | 01 | Watershed Sci & Mgmt | Timothy Randhir | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
NRC | 585 | 01 | Introduction to GIS | Bethany Bradley | UMass Amherst | TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
NRC | 585 | 01LL | Introduction to GIS | UMass Amherst | F 10:10AM 1:10PM | |
NRC | 585 | 01LM | Introduction to GIS | UMass Amherst | F 1:25PM 4:25PM | |
NRC | 585 | 01LN | Introduction to GIS | UMass Amherst | TH 2:30PM 5:30PM | |
RES-ECON | 262 | 01 | Environmental Econ | John Stranlund | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
Spring 2025 CMS Courses: GEOLOGY and CHEMISTRY
Subject | Course # | Sect # | Course Title | Instructor(s) | Institution | Meeting Times |
ENST | 301 | 01 | Hydrogeology | Anna Martini | Amherst College | M/W/F | 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM |
ENST | 301 | 01L | Hydrogeology | Anna Martini | Amherst College | M | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
GEOL | 112 | 01 | Surficial Earth Dynamics | David Jones | Amherst College | M/W/F | 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM |
GEOL | 112 | 01L | Surficial Earth Dynamics | David Jones | Amherst College | W | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
GEOL | 112 | 02L | Surficial Earth Dynamics | David Jones | Amherst College | TH | 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
GEOL | 301 | 01 | Hydrogeology | Anna Martini | Amherst College | M/W/F | 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM |
GEOL | 301 | 01L | Hydrogeology | Anna Martini | Amherst College | M | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
GEOL | 103 | 01 | Oceanography | Alan Werner | Mount Holyoke College | MW 11:30AM-12:45PM |
GEO | 108 | 01 | Oceanography | Sara B. Pruss | Smith College | M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
GEO | 108 | L01 | Oceanography | Luce Ward | Smith College | W 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM |
GEO | 108 | L02 | Oceanography | Luce Ward | Smith College | F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
GEO | 108 | L03 | Oceanography | Luce Ward | Smith College | F 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM |
GEO | 251 | 01 | Geomorphology | Greg de Wet | Smith College | M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
GEO | 251 | L01 | Geomorphology | Greg de Wet | Smith College | M 1:40 PM - 4:20 PM |
GEO | 334 | 01 | Carbonate Sedimentology | Bosiljka Glumac | Smith College | M W F 8:25 AM - 9:15 AM |
GEO | 334 | L01 | Carbonate Sedimentology | Bosiljka Glumac | Smith College | F 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM |
GEO-SCI | 557 | 01 | Coastal Processes | Jonathan Woodruff | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
GEO-SCI | 558 | 01 | Paleoclimatology | Isla Castaneda | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
GEOGRAPH | 354 | 01 | Climate Dynamics | Timothy Cook | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LL | The Earth | William Clement | UMass Amherst | M 2:30PM 5:30PM |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LM | The Earth | UMass Amherst | TU 8:00AM 11:00AM | |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LN | The Earth | UMass Amherst | TH 8:00AM 11:00AM | |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LQ | The Earth | UMass Amherst | W 2:30PM 5:30PM | |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LR | The Earth | UMass Amherst | TU 2:30PM 5:30PM | |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LS | The Earth | UMass Amherst | TH 2:30PM 5:30PM | |
GEOLOGY | 101 | 99LU | The Earth | UMass Amherst | F 2:30PM 5:30PM | |
GEOLOGY | 103 | 01 | Intro Oceanography | Julie Brigham-Grette | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
GEOLOGY | 103 | 03 | Intro Oceanography | Steven Petsch | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
GEOLOGY | 103H | 01 | Intro Oceanography, Honors | Martin Medina Elizalde | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
GEOLOGY | 394LI | 01 | EarthHistory:Life,ClimateEnvir | R Leckie | UMass Amherst | M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM |
GEOLOGY | 415 | 01 | Global Chemical & Envir Cycles | Steven Petsch | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Spring 2025 CMS Courses: ECOLOGY and BIODIVERSITY
Subject | Course # | Sect # | Course Title | Instructor(s) | Institution | Meeting Times |
BIOL | 181 | 01 | Adaptation & Organism | Ethan Clotfelter | Amherst College | M/W/F | 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM |
BIOL | 181L | 01L | Adaptation & Org Lab | Ethan Clotfelter | Amherst College | TU | 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
BIOL | 320 | 01 | Evolutionary Biology | Jill Miller | Amherst College | TU/TH | 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM |
BIOL | 320 | 01F | Evolutionary Biology | Jill Miller | Amherst College | TH | 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM |
BIOL | 440 | 01 | Conservation Biology | Rachel Levin | Amherst College | TH | 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
ENST | 441 | 01 | Conservation Biology | Rachel Levin | Amherst College | TH | 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
NS | 0145 | 1 | Earth and Life Through Time | Steve Roof | Hampshire College | 10:30AM-11:50AM TU;10:30AM-11:50AM TH |
BIOL | 145EX | 01 | Exploring Biodiversity | Chloe Drummond | Mount Holyoke College | TTH 09:00AM-10:15AM |
BIOL | 145EXL | 01 | Lab: Exploring Biodiversity | Daniel Hanelin | Mount Holyoke College | W 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 145EXL | 02 | Lab: Exploring Biodiversity | Daniel Hanelin | Mount Holyoke College | F 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 145EXL | 03 | Lab: Exploring Biodiversity | Daniel Hanelin | Mount Holyoke College | M 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 226 | 01 | Evolution | Patricia Brennan | Mount Holyoke College | MW 11:30AM-12:45PM;F 11:30AM-12:20PM |
BIOL | 226L | 01 | Evolution Lab | Patricia Brennan,Molly McCutcheon | Mount Holyoke College | M 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 226L | 02 | Evolution Lab | Molly McCutcheon,Patricia Brennan | Mount Holyoke College | T 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 226L | 03 | Evolution Lab | Molly McCutcheon,Patricia Brennan | Mount Holyoke College | W 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 226L | 04 | Evolution Lab | Molly McCutcheon,Patricia Brennan | Mount Holyoke College | TH 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 321BE | 01 | Inquiries/Behavioral Ecology | Renae Brodie | Mount Holyoke College | T 01:30PM-04:20PM |
BIOL | 321ME | 01 | Molecular Ecology | Jason Andras | Mount Holyoke College | TTH 01:45PM-03:00PM |
BIOL | 337 | 01 | Symbiotic Interactions | Jason Andras | Mount Holyoke College | TTH 10:30AM-11:45AM |
BIO | 130 | 01 | Biodiversity, Ecol, Conservatn | L. David Smith | Smith College | M W F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
BIO | 131 | 01 | Res:Biodiv, Ecol, Consrv Lab | Marney C. Pratt | Smith College | TU 1:10 PM - 4:00 PM |
BIO | 131 | 02 | Res:Biodiv, Ecol, Consrv Lab | Marney C. Pratt | Smith College | W 1:10 PM - 4:00 PM |
BIO | 131 | 03 | Res:Biodiv, Ecol, Consrv Lab | Marney C. Pratt | Smith College | TH 1:10 PM - 4:00 PM |
BIO | 366 | 01 | Biogeography | Paulette M. Peckol | Smith College | TU TH 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM |
BIO | 371 | 01 | Microbial Diversity Lab | Laura Aline Katz | Smith College | TU 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM |
BIO | 390cr | 01 | Sem: T-Environ-Coral Reef Ecol | Paulette M. Peckol | Smith College | TU 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM |
BIOLOGY | 280 | 01 | Evolut:Diversity Life-thruTime | Adam Porter | UMass Amherst | M W F 12:20PM 1:10PM |
BIOLOGY | 287 | 01 | Intro Ecology | Tristram Seidler | UMass Amherst | M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM |
BIOLOGY | 424 | 01 | Marine Biology | Akiko Okusu | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
BIOLOGY | 424 | 01LL | Marine Biology | UMass Amherst | F 9:05AM 12:05PM | |
BIOLOGY | 424 | 01LM | Marine Biology | UMass Amherst | F 1:25PM 4:25PM | |
BIOLOGY | 544 | 01 | Ornithology | Bruce Byers | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
BIOLOGY | 544 | 01LL | Ornithology | UMass Amherst | W 9:05AM 12:05PM | |
BIOLOGY | 544 | 01LM | Ornithology | UMass Amherst | TH 8:00AM 11:00AM | |
BIOLOGY | 548 | 01 | Mammalogy | Rosa Moscarella | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
BIOLOGY | 548 | 01LL | Mammalogy | Katherine Doyle | UMass Amherst | W 1:25PM 4:25PM |
BIOLOGY | 548 | 01LM | Mammalogy | UMass Amherst | TH 2:30PM 5:30PM | |
BIOLOGY | 548 | 01LQ | Mammalogy | Katherine Doyle | UMass Amherst | W 9:05AM 12:05PM |
BIOLOGY | 550 | 01 | Animal Behavior | Peter Houlihan | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
BIOLOGY | 550 | 01LL | Animal Behavior | UMass Amherst | TU 1:00PM 4:00PM | |
BIOLOGY | 550 | 01LM | Animal Behavior | UMass Amherst | M 1:25PM 4:25PM | |
ENVIRSCI | 214 | 01 | Ecosystms,Biodivrsty&GloblChng | Brian Cheng | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
Subject | Course # | Sect # | Course Title | Instructor(s) | Institution | Meeting Times |
GEOL | 103 | 01 | Oceanography | Alan Werner | Mount Holyoke College | MW 11:30AM-12:45PM |
BIO | 390cr | 01 | Sem: T-Environ-Coral Reef Ecol | Paulette M. Peckol | Smith College | TU 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM |
GEO | 108 | 01 | Oceanography | Sara B. Pruss | Smith College | M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
GEO | 108 | L01 | Oceanography | Luce Ward | Smith College | W 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM |
GEO | 108 | L02 | Oceanography | Luce Ward | Smith College | F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM |
GEO | 108 | L03 | Oceanography | Luce Ward | Smith College | F 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM |
BIOLOGY | 424 | 01 | Marine Biology | Akiko Okusu | UMass Amherst | TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM |
BIOLOGY | 424 | 01LL | Marine Biology | UMass Amherst | F 9:05AM 12:05PM | |
BIOLOGY | 424 | 01LM | Marine Biology | UMass Amherst | F 1:25PM 4:25PM | |
GEO-SCI | 557 | 01 | Coastal Processes | Jonathan Woodruff | UMass Amherst | TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM |
GEOLOGY | 103 | 01 | Intro Oceanography | Julie Brigham-Grette | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
GEOLOGY | 103 | 03 | Intro Oceanography | Steven Petsch | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
GEOLOGY | 103H | 01 | Intro Oceanography, Honors | Martin Medina Elizalde | UMass Amherst | TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM |
Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Internship Program
Funded by the Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Program. Only Five College students are eligible (Amherst, Mount Holyoke, Hampshire, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst). Graduating seniors and graduate students are not eligible.
The 2021 Internship Program application is now available.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
Nationwide search for paid internships in ocean science (and many other science fields), Funded by the National Science Foundation. Stipends and application deadlines/procedures vary (some as early as January for the following summer). NSF updates deadlines and adds opportunities as they become available. Most of these are limited to undergraduates who are permamnent US residents or citizens.
Hint: If deadlines are out-of-date, click on link to individual REU programs. The individual program websites are more likely to be current.
Texas A&M Ocean and Coastal Resource REU
Due February 15th each year
Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
REU for rising sophomores and juniors.
Due February 15th each year (priority)
March 10th each year (final)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Summer student fellowships for guided research (only juniors may apply).
Due February 15th each year.
School for Marine Science and Technology
Coverletter and resume required,
no application or due date posted.
Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, ME
Due February 15th each year
Ocean Exploration Trust
Internships in ocean science, seafloor mapping, ROV engineering and vieo engineering/filmmaking.
Due January 20th each year.
Institute for Broadening Participation:
Pathways to Science
A compilation of coastal and marine research, outreach, and educational opportunities for undergraduates and graduates (you can also search other disciplines). Stipends and application deadlines/procedures vary (some as early as January). Please note that only research internship field hours can be applied towards the certificate.
Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition Laboratory
University of Southern Mississippi. Fall and spring volunteer internships available.
Due May 1 and November 1
Institute for Marine Mammal Studies
Gulfport, Mississippi
Due November 1, March 1, and June 1 for following season
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University (FAU)
Known for its research in marine science and biomedicine, aquaculture and ocean engineering, Harbor Branch-FAU is located between Vero Beach and Fort Pierce, Florida, on the Indian River Lagoon, one of the most biodiverse estuaries in the United States.
Due March 1st each year.
Seabird & Shorebird Internships/Jobs
Many internships and paid field positions in the Northeast and nationwide, posted in weekly compilations (search on "birdjobs"). Applications and due dates vary by posting.
Texas A & M Job Board
Too many great opportunities to list: marine mammals, birds, fisheries, sea turtles, etc. Worth a look.
Green Dream Jobs
Find jobs/internships nationwide. There are usually a few marine science postings.
Seabird & Shorebird Internships/Jobs
Many internships and paid field positions in the Northeast and nationwide, posted in weekly compilations (search on "birdjobs"). Listserve available. Applications and due dates vary by posting.
Institute for Broadening Participation:
Pathways to Science
A compilation of coastal & marine research opportunities for undergraduates and graduates (you can also search other disciplines). Stipends and application deadlines/procedures vary (some as early as January for summer).
Ocean Exploration Trust
Internships in ocean science, seafloor mapping, ROV engineering, and vieo engineering/filmmaking. Due January 16, 2015.
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Plymouth, MA
Volunteer Internships in marine conservation.
Minimum commitment of 3 months, with the possibility of extended term.
All interns are trained in photo-identification, data-collection and management, identification catalog maintenance, public speaking, and marine mammal policy.
Admission is rolling-early application (January) advised.
Cape Ann Whale Watch and Ocean Alliance, Gloucester, MA
Interns will staff whale watch tours (Humpback, Minke, and Fin Whales)and interact with passengers with hands-on teaching tools such as baleen and whale teeth, a 3-D model of the ocean floor, and plankton collected during the trip. Interns will also collect data on whale sighting, identification, and weather. naturalist training will be provided. Group housing is available at cost. Position is volunteer (minimum 2 months), application is rolling.
Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition Laboratory,
University of Southern Mississippi. Fall and spring volunteer internships available.
Due May 1st and November 1st
Humpback Whale Internship with the Alaska Whale Foundation's Rapunzel Project
Western USA (AK, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)
- Alaska Sea Life Center: Seward, AK
- Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies: Homer, AK
- SEACAMP San Diego: San Diego, CA
- Aquarium of the Pacific: Long Beach, CA
- Stanford Univ. Hopkins Marine Station: Pacific Grove, CA
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Monterey, CA
- Marine Advanced Technology Education Center: Monterey, CA
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography: San Diego, CA
- Sea Life Park of Hawaii: Waimanolo, HI
- Pacific Whale Foundation: Wailuku, HI
- Hatfield Marine Science Center: Newport, OR
- Alaska Fisheries Science Center: Seattle, WA
Southeastern USA (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
- Mote marine Laboratory: Sarasota, FL
- The Dauphin Island Sea Lab: Dauphin Island, AL
- The Conservancy of Southwest Florida: Naples, FL
- Dolphin Research Center: Grassy Key, FL
- Dolphins Plus: Key Largo, FL
- Fish and Wildlife Research Institute: St. Petersburg, FL
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: Key West, FL
- Perry Institute for Marine Science: Jupiter, FL
- Harbor Branch Oceanographic: Ft. Pierce, FL
- Mote Marine Laboratory: Sarasota, FL
- Newfound Harbor Marine Institute: Big Pine Key, FL
- Theater of the Sea: Islamorada, FL
- The Whitney Laboratory of Marine Bioscience: St. Augustine, FL
- NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research: Beaufort, NC
- Fort Johnson Summer Research Fellowship Program: Charleston, SC
- Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA
- Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration: Mystic, CT
- The Maritime Aquarium: Norwalk, CT
- College of Marine and Earth Science: Lewes, DE
- New England Aquarium: Boston, MA
- Coastal Studies Institute of Cape Cod: Provincetown, MA
- Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
- Marine Resources Center (MBL): Woods Hole, MA
- Quebec-Labrador Foundation/Atlantic Center for the Environment (QLF): Ipswich, MA
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute: Woods Hole, MA
- Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences: West Boothbay Harbor, ME
- Darling Marine Center: Walpole, ME
- The Wetlands Institute: Stone Harbor, NJ
- Marine Mammal Stranding Center: Brigantine, NJ
- James J. Howard Marine Science Laboratory (Scroll down): Highlands, NJ
- New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences: Camden, NJ
- South Street Seaport Museum: New York, NY
- Shoals Marine Laboratory: Appledore Island, ME (Cornell University and University of NH)
- The Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation: Riverhead, NY
- Cornell University Arnot Teaching and Research Forest: Van Etten, NY
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Cold Spring Harbor, NY
- The Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc: Poughkeepsie, NY
- The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History: New York, NY
- Univ. of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography: Narragansett, RI
- Ocean Conservancy: Washington, D. C. (Headquarters)
Midwest USA (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI)