Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice Program

The Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice (RHRJ) certificate provides undergraduate students at the Five Colleges with an opportunity to develop a strong understanding of the social, economic, legal, and political conditions that influence reproduction in the U.S. and transnationally.

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Founded in 2015, the Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice (RHRJ) Certificate aims to provide undergraduates from across the Five Colleges with a strong foundation in the field of reproductive politics.  Reproductive health, rights, and justice scholarship examines the impact of reproductive policies not only on individuals, but also on communities, with particular attention to communities that have been historically marginalized. The field also includes study of the history of social movements for reproductive empowerment, including the movements for women's liberation, disability rights, racial justice, economic justice, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, and the women's health, reproductive freedom, and reproductive justice movements.  By taking six courses across a range of disciplines and completing a special final project, RHRJ certificate graduates are prepared for graduate school, as well as careers in law, science, medicine, health, politics, social work, and community organizing.

Information Session

Every semester the RHRJ Certificate holds an information and advising session via zoom for interested Five College students. The next information and advising session will be Monday, April 1, 2024:

12-12:30pm: Introduction to the Certificate, Courses being offered, and the special project requirement.

12:30-1:15pm: Q&A and mingling and/or co-working space; Breakout rooms as needed

Please register here:

Questions or need more info?  Contact

RHRJ Info and Advising Workshop-Spring 2024


RHRJ Certificate Course Requirements

Number of Courses Required:  Students must take six sources from across three categories— one foundational course, one transnational/global course, one upper-level course (300 level or above) and three additional courses from any of the below categories.

  • No course may satisfy more than one certificate distribution requirement (i.e. one course cannot count as both a foundational AND transnational/global course).
  • Courses counted toward satisfaction of campus-based major, minor or another Five College Certificate’s requirements may also be counted toward the RHRJ Certificate.
  • Courses may be in-person, on-line, hybrid, taken during any time of year, and must be 3-credits or more

Types of Courses that Count:  Courses must be from the approved RHRJ Certificate course list OR be a non-listed course that is approved by the student’s RHRJ Certificate advisor as counting toward the Certificate because the course meets the below category standards. Examples of non-listed courses that may count toward the Certificate with advisor approval:

  • Study abroad courses
  • Courses from other colleges/universities
  • Five College courses that are enhanced with additional RHRJ content / assignments
  • Evaluation of Non-Listed Courses:  Students should provide their advisor with (1) a short paragraph explaining why they believe the course meets the Certificate requirements and (2) a copy of the syllabus and relevant completed assignments (if possible). 

Course Category Descriptions

A foundational course has 90–100% reproductive health, rights, and justice content, as reflected in the course title and description. Foundational courses introduce students to reproductive politics, including the reproductive health, rights and justice frameworks; introduce students to thinking intersectionally about reproductive issues, for example, how gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, disability and nationality intersect to shape women’s experiences of reproductive oppression, and their resistance strategies; and teach students to think systemically about reproductive issues, rather than just individually, that is, about the impact of reproductive politics not only on individuals, but also on communities, and how social, economic, legal and political conditions impact reproduction. The material may be covered through any disciplinary or interdisciplinary lens, including history, sociology, legal studies, public policy, women, gender and sexuality studies, political science, journalism, religious studies, American studies, transnational studies, etc. 

A transnational/global course has 25% reproductive health, rights, and justice content, as defined above, with a transnational/global (i.e. non-U.S.) focus. 

An additional course has 25% reproductive health, rights, and justice content, as defined above.

Note that if you don't see classes from all campuses currently listed, they will appear as the campuses release their course schedules for the semester. The five campuses release their schedules on different dates. Visit this page for specific dates.

Fall 2024 RHRJ Courses: Foundational

Subject Course # Sect # Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
GNDST 204RV 01 Revolutionary Parenting Niamh Timmons Mount Holyoke College M 01:30PM-04:20PM
POLIT 255PA 01 Politics of Abortion Cora Fernandez Anderson Mount Holyoke College MW 11:30AM-12:45PM
NURSING 325 01 Maternal-Newborn Nursing Katharine Green UMass Amherst F 8:00AM 9:55AM
NURSING 398I 01 Maternal-Newborn Nursing:Pract Katharine Green UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
NURSING 398I 02 Maternal-Newborn Nursing:Pract Nora Lynn Holland UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
NURSING 398I 03 Maternal-Newborn Nursing:Pract Lindsay DuBois UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
NURSING 398I 04 Maternal-Newborn Nursing:Pract Maud Low UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
NURSING 398I 05 Maternal-Newborn Nursing:Pract Nora Lynn Holland UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
WGSS 205 01 Feminist Health Politics Kirsten Leng UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
WGSS 230 01 Politics of Reproduction Laura Briggs UMass Amherst TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
WGSS 393M 01 S-Everything to Expect/Expctng Kirsten Leng UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM

Fall 2024 RHRJ Courses: Transnational/Global

Subject Course # Sect # Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
POSC 407 01 Contemporary Debates Amrita Basu Amherst College TU | 2:30 PM - 5:15 PM
SWAG 400 01 Contemporary Debates Amrita Basu Amherst College TU | 2:30 PM - 5:15 PM
ASIAN 215 01 AndrogynyGndr in ChineseTheat Ying Wang Mount Holyoke College M 01:30PM-04:20PM
GNDST 241RA 01 Rethinking AIDS Christian Gundermann Mount Holyoke College MW 11:30AM-12:45PM
POLIT 255PA 01 Politics of Abortion Cora Fernandez Anderson Mount Holyoke College MW 11:30AM-12:45PM
HST 253 01 Women & Gender in Contemp Eur Darcy C. Buerkle Smith College TU TH 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
SPN 250sm 01 T-Sex&Medieval City Ibtissam Bouachrine Smith College TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM
WGSS 205 01 Feminist Health Politics Kirsten Leng UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
WGSS 230 01 Politics of Reproduction Laura Briggs UMass Amherst TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM

Fall 2024 RHRJ Courses: Additional

Subject Course # Sect # Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
HIST 162 01 U.S.History of Sexuality Jen Manion Amherst College W/F | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
LJST 260 01 Feminist Legal Theory Nica Siegel Amherst College TU/TH | 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
POSC 374 01 Rights Kristin Bumiller Amherst College TU | 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
SWAG 162 01 U.S.History of Sexuality Jen Manion Amherst College W/F | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM
CSI 0102 1 Student Movements Gaurav Jashnani Hampshire College 01:00PM-02:20PM TU;01:00PM-02:20PM TH
ANTHR 240 01 Medical Anthropology Anisha Chadha Mount Holyoke College MW 10:00AM-11:15AM
GNDST 101 01 Intro to Gender Studies Sandra Russell Mount Holyoke College TTH 01:45PM-03:00PM
GNDST 101 02 Intro to Gender Studies Sandra Russell Mount Holyoke College TTH 03:15PM-04:30PM
GNDST 101 03 Intro to Gender Studies Niamh Timmons Mount Holyoke College MW 11:30AM-12:45PM
GNDST 221QF 01 Feminist & Queer Theory Christian Gundermann Mount Holyoke College MW 01:45PM-03:00PM
GNDST 241RA 01 Rethinking AIDS Christian Gundermann Mount Holyoke College MW 11:30AM-12:45PM
BIO 360sr 01 Sem:T-Sexual Reproduction Lisa A. Mangiamele Smith College TH 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM
HST 278 01 Colq: Decolonial US Wom Hist Jennifer Mary Guglielmo Smith College TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM
NSC 314 01 Neuroendocrinology Mikaela Laine Smith College TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
SWG 150 01 Intro Women & Gender Kelly P. Anderson Smith College TU TH 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM
SWG 150 02 Intro Women & Gender Kelly P. Anderson Smith College TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
SWG 150 03 Intro Women & Gender Elisabeth Brownell Armstrong Smith College M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
SWG 222 01 Gender, Law and Policy Carrie N. Baker Smith College M W F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
SWG 241 01 White Supremacy/ Age of Trump Loretta Ross Smith College TU TH 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
HISTORY 268 01 Women and the Law Jennifer Nye UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
WGSS 201 01 Gender&Diff: Critical Analyses Tatiana Rodriguez UMass Amherst TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
WGSS 201 02 Gender&Diff: Critical Analyses Laura Briggs UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
WGSS 205 01 Feminist Health Politics Kirsten Leng UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
WGSS 286 01 History/Sexuality&Race/US Jordon Crawford UMass Amherst TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
WGSS 286 02 History/Sexuality&Race/US Elise Loren Barnett UMass Amherst TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
WGSS 393M 01 S-Everything to Expect/Expctng Kirsten Leng UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM

Contact Us

Program Chair(s):

Jennifer L. Nye, Senior Lecturer II in History, Law & Social Justice, Department of History, UMass Amherst

Cora Anderson, Associate Professor of Politics, Mount Holyoke College

Five College Staff Liaison:

April Shandor, Academic Programs Coordinator

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